Exactly one year ago today I was in the hospital just having my new baby girl. I remember vividly laying in that hospital bed feeding her, snuggling with her, and snoozing with her. This past year has been so great getting to watch her grow and develop. She is such a great baby, and we all love her so much.

She has been my earliest walker by far. She has been walking for a month or more. I think she 's trying to keep up with everyone else. I love to watch her get fiesty with the kids when they are bugging her. She waves her hands back and forth seeming to say, "get out of my face!" I love the way she always puckers her lips to make an oooo sound when she sees something she likes or is interested in. She has one front tooth that is shorter than the other because she grinds her teeth to the side when she smiles. Haha! It is so cute!

I love the way she crinkles up her nose when she smiles. Oh and those lips...I could just kiss them all day. I love her squishy little legs. She sleeps great, and snuggles right into her bed when you lay her down. I always end up coming up with weird sayings or names I call my babies when they are little. I call her Karsy, Beaders, Beedeegue, lady, and I think that might be it.

Karsyn is such a happy baby, and she makes me so happy! Happy Birthday Karsy. I love you!
happy birthday karsyn! she is the sweetest baby!!
Yay!Happy b-day Karsyn! Can't wait to see you guys!I am already getting sad that you are going to have to leave sooner then I would like, and you aren't even here yet.
Nice job on the rolls. You will have to give me a lesson, I am a total sucker to eating a lot of rolls in one sitting. MMMMMMMM........
Oh wow! A year. I can't believe that. It seems like you just had her. Babies grow so fast.
Your homemade rolls look yummy and perfect. Makes me want to learn how to make them (because I, too, and 29 and have never made rolls either).
Halloween sounded eventful. Your kids were super cute. I LOVED Ky and Karsyn's costumes. Too adorable.
Please call me poopstain! I don't have your number and I neeeeed to talk to you so I can visit you in December!!
p.s. your rolls look divine
Happy Birthday Karsyn!! She's a beauty! I can't believe it's been a year. Your such a cute mom. Love ya girl!
Keagan just saw the picture of Karsyn and was like MOM we went there, to their house!! I cant believe shes on already!! She is Gorgeous!
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