Well here we go again...so last night we decided to take our kids up to the temple to walk around. Good idea right? We saw some people we knew and had a family picture taken......

The girls had fun rolling down the hill. I love the hair in these pictures.

This is the best we got of the kids together.

Kenzie took this cute picture right in front of the water fall. Ky thought it looked like a good idea. So he climbed up on the bench, backed up, backed up , and backed up a little more to finally go tumbling backwards right into the waterfall.

I didn't see it happen but luckily Kelly did and raced with Karsyn in his arms to pull him out. I got there just in time to pull him out and prevent Kelly from going in too. A little scarey, but a lot funny!

After Ky settled down the first thing he said was, "I cold." Here he still looks a little stunned.

At the very end Kelly had him happy and ready to wave for the camera. When we got home he kept saying, "I fall water sount cackwards." (water fountain backwards) We have had some pretty good laughs about it, and the girls have actually begun to think Kaylee's fall wasn't so bad either. Good times!!!
oh my gosh!!! priceless!
no more leaving the house!!! at least no visiting places with water!!
I love it! What great memories and fun! Just spending time with family is the best, even if it ends up involving water, at the end it makes us smile! :)
Cute Cute family picture. I'm so sorry Ky fell in. Poor thing, he was probably freezing. I love that you take your family to the temple.
OMG!! that is tooo funny!! poor Karsyn.. that kid is thinking.. it better not be my turn anytime soon!
how funny, my kids have almost fallen in before, I'm so glad you took pictures! Priceless!!
Kara! Your family is sooo darling! I want to kiss all your kids faces off. Good news... Me and Brett are coming to Vegas the first weekend in December. He has continuing ed for Chiropractors and I have nothing to do but hang out with you and your kids and sisters and mommy! I don't have your # anymore cuz Brett dropped my phone in the lake when we were boating. :( Please call me so we can plan some fun stuff! Love you.
getting pics of kids TOGETHER is sooo hard. better luck next time;)
Funny! 2 outings in a row, you guys are on a roll! Great family pic!
All the pictures are adorable. You have such a cute family!
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