Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween 2009

My cute little lady bug. It suits her well since I love to call her lady!
Ky was the cutest little spiderman or barnon as he likes to say.
Ky, Alexa, Kaylee, and Kenzie.
At the end of the night we got home to a lovely smell of my pumpkin candle on the warmer. I turned the warmer off to go up to bed, but without giving the candle any time to harden up Ky pulled the cord to the warmer out of the wall and pulled and pulled until wax and all came crashing to the ground. UUUGGHH! Luckily my girls could see my frustration and helped scrape the dried wax off my wood floor. It took a while but things are all back to normal now.
That's not even half the wax we scraped up.
Kelly had to work the day before halloween, and sadly he got force hired to work on halloween. So he missed the trunk or treat and trick or treat. He also had to work the day after so it was nice to go see him before trick or treating. Those were a long three days of trick or treating, kenz throwing up all night, and everything else a mother of four has to do. We missed Daddy but we managed to have some fun!


Mandi Roth said...

Cute costumes.. Your kids were too cute!! Glad you got to see Kelly for a little bit. I bet that was fun for the kids.

Melody said...

Sam had to work Halloween night also!! We both hate when he works holidays, I swear one day I am moving somewhere where everything in that town closes on a holiday!ok besides my rant the kids were so cute!