Crama Bonnie (and yes I did say Crama) got tickets for Matt, Michele, Kelly, and I to go see Ka at the MGM. It was a fun little date night, and the show was awesome!

Me and my sweet baby girl Karsyn!

Every Santa picture we have this year has Karsyn crying in it. Funny memories! This Santa was cute because he asked the girls what they wanted for Christmas and they both said kites. He looked a little surprised and while nodding his head he told us that in all his years of being Santa no one has ever asked for a kite. Haha! I ended up telling the girls that Santa's elves don't make kites at this time of year.

These pictures are not in order. This is on Christmas Eve with Kelly's family. We have such fun traditions like decorating gingerbread houses, hitting a pinata, and a little program. We had yummy food, and great company!

Me and Ky being silly after church on Christmas Sunday.

A family picture Christmas morning before we sent Kelly off to work:(

Me and Karsyn with Aunt Rissie! Love ya Riss!

Ky got a little shaving kit so here he is practicing. Sorry it's a little blurry.

Kaylee's gingerbread house was voted the best one this year. She made it into a stable. I'm sad to say I have no pictures of Christmas day with my family. I had to tend my kids by my self after all. We had our traditional yummiest breakfast over at Tracy and Steve's. Then that night we went to my mom and dads for more yummy food. Our traditional sweet n sour chicken wings, and lots more. We had a nice program by my mom, and fun and presents at the end. We had a great Christmas even though Kelly had to be at the station. We are so happy with our lives, and all of the many things we are blessed with.
1 comment:
What a fun date night, was the show good? You have some cute pictures. What a great Christmas you had, too bad Kelly had to work.
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