Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Pictures

Although we didn't have church on Easter Sunday, before I realized that I bought Easter Clothes. So I had them wear them the Sunday before. Here are a few cute Easter pictures I got. This is the best I got of all of them together. I was getting all mad because I couldn't get them all to look at me at once. Oh well.

Kaylee Sue: My sweet little red head. Seven years old, and just the greatest little helper.

Kenzie Lou: My spunky little blondie who is almost five. She is so silly and always makes us laugh!

Buddy boy/ Booger bum(haha): My tank of a toddler. Into everything but makes me smile every day. How could you not smile at that face?

Karsy/Lady Lou: My bossy little lady, but so so sweet!
I am so grateful for these wonderful children of mine. They make my world so happy, and I am soooo in love with each one of them.


Melody said...

OMG!! they are growing soo fast!!! Love the updated pics!

Mandi Roth said...

They are soo Cute! Your kids are getting so big.